Earth Day: Little Choices. Big Impact.

Written by SeaChange | Apr 22, 2018 9:25:00 PM


As we celebrate another Earth Day, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed by all the waste. Even if we’re doing our part to reduce, reuse, and recycle, seeing pictures of pollution in big cities or trash islands in the ocean can make us wonder how can we make an even bigger impact.

This year people across the world are focusing on a specific goal in honor of Earth Day: End Plastic Pollution. Plastic pollution is one of the most important environmental problems that we face today, and this international effort aims to eliminate single-use plastics and achieve global regulation for the disposal of plastics.

SeaChange is committed to proactively being a part of the solution, and we’re launching our own campaign that includes educational tools, a park cleanup day, initiatives to reduce our own plastic pollution footprint, and a reusable tumbler or glass cup for clients.

Want to infuse your life with action? Try these five tools.

  • Calculate your plastic consumption — Find out how much disposable plastic you use in a year and make plans to reduce the waste with this calculator from Earth Day Network.
  • Step up your trash reduction —  Check out these creative ways to compost, recycle, opt out, and introduce new waste-less items and products into your life.
  • Reduce, refuse, reuse, recycle, and remove — Learn more about plastic pollution and how you can reduce your footprint over the course of a year with this Plastic Pollution Primer and Action Toolkit.
  • See how plastic affects our health, planet, and wildlife — Plastic in our waterways isn’t just an eyesore. It also affects all the living things around them. Learn more with these 10 fast facts.
  • Join SeaChange’s Earth Day efforts — Our Earth Day Cleanup will bring SeaChangers, smiles, and good energy together as we gather to beautify our local parks. Want to join us? Please email Wendi Breuer, President and CEO, at