The U.S. Postal Service has introduced new postal rates effective from July 14th. However, you can save 4% on your mailings with the new Informed Delivery Promotion, which runs from August 1st to December 31st. 

Informed Delivery campaigns start with approval from the USPS. But don't worry, our postal experts can easily help you through this process.

Why choose Informed Delivery?

  • Informed Delivery has 60.6 million users with a national saturation of 30%.


  • Email open rate for Daily Digest emails has consistently outpaced the industry average at above 63%.


  • Informed Delivery campaigns generate over 5.8B impressions, creating an opportunity for
    brands to expand their reach.


Eligible mail options for the promotion. 

  • First Class Mail automation letters, postcards and flats

  • USPS Marketing Mail automation letters and flats

  • USPS Marketing Mail DDU-entered Carrier Route Saturation Flats

  • Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail automation letters and flats

  • Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail DDU-entered Carrier Route Saturation Flats


Want to know more?  Our on-site postal experts will help you every step of the way

Get quick access to the latest postal rates in this chart


Talk to us. Set up a consultation with our team. We’d love to help you find ways to save money including USPS promotions, drop shipments, comingling, or switching mailer formats. Let's talk.


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Article by Suzi Oswald, Senior Postal Affairs Specialist

A self-proclaimed mail geek, Suzi Oswald loves everything about mail – and helping people use it. She has nearly 25 years of experience in the printing and direct mail industry and is always looking to learn more, make improvements, and apply the latest technologies. She’s a Mail Piece Design Professional (MDP), Executive Mail Center Manager (EMCM) and Certified Direct Mail Professional (CDMP) with the United States Postal System.