One of the latest USPS postal promotions is for a digital approach we’ve seen a lot of success with lately: Informed Delivery. This free service shows consumers what mail is arriving each day and enables them to track packages and mail easily. They simply sign up for the service and USPS sends an email each morning.

InformedDeliveryExampleAlong with being a convenient tool for consumers, it has also introduced a new way for marketers to connect with consumers using engaging digital ads called ride-alongs. These are images placed under the representative images of the mail pieces, and they invite consumers to click for a special offer or more information. When you include Informed Delivery on your direct mail pieces August 1 through December 31, you’ll get a 4% discount on postage.

Is Informed Delivery worth it?

SeaChange makes Informed Delivery easy. But if you’re curious just how many consumers are engaging with it, here are a few quick stats to know.

  • ~54 million people, or 29.9% of households, use Informed Delivery. If you haven’t already signed up for Informed Delivery for your home, you can do it here.

  • 62% of Informed Delivery emails were opened in Q2 2023.

  • 93% of users would recommend it.


We recently completed a direct mail project with a health insurance company and saw 1,790 more interactions with the brand (click throughs) by using Informed Delivery. Informed delivery out-performed other channels like QR code scans and direct URL visits by 56%.

How can I set up an Informed Delivery campaign?

Here’s a quick run-down of how it works:

  1. For each direct mail piece you create, develop a complementary ride-along image, or ask SeaChange to create one for you. You can use the USPS black & white scan of the mail piece for the representative image, or you can replace it with a color version.

  2. Create a call to action for the ride-along and determine where it will link. 

  3. We’ll activate the campaign for you, taking care of all the steps needed for set up and implementation.

  4. After you’ve deployed the campaign, we’ll share the metrics on click-through rates.


Interested in learning more about how Informed Delivery could help boost your next campaign? Wondering if our GATHER Digital Agency could help? Let’s talk.


Embracing Technology Redefining Print

Article by Suzi Oswald, Postal Specialist

A self-proclaimed mail geek, Suzi Oswald loves everything about mail – and helping people use it. She has nearly 25 years of experience in the printing and direct mail industry and is always looking to learn more, make improvements, and apply the latest technologies. She’s a Mail Piece Design Professional (MDP), Executive Mail Center Manager (EMCM) and Certified Direct Mail Professional (CDMP) with the United States Postal System.